Gas installations and gas boiler
In 2004. We have started a department for designing and conducting thermo-technical and gas installations as well as central heating installations.
OUsing knowledge and rich experience in designing, production and mounting devices in the field thermo-technics and process technics which present foundation of production programme of Progres Inzenjering. Engineers, thermo-technicians and installers have transferred with ease knowledge to young team of designers, engineers and installers who work on designing central heating and gas installations, pressure to 4 bar, of polyethylene and steel pipes and industrial gas installations.
After starting department we started with mounting inner gas installations and designing gas network of polyethylene pipes. After the design was ready we started with mounting installations of 4 bar pressure and industrial gas installations, and in year 2005. We have successfully designed, placed and finished gas network and gasification of MZ Kljuc. We have conducted 260 connections and 12 km of gas network.
We also manufacture and delivers House Measure Regulative Sets and Measure Regulative Stations.
Progres Inzenjering represents Italian firm Unical, gas boiler manufacturer as well as Italian firm Ritmo, manufacturer of electro-fusion and butt- welding machines.
There is also service and testing centre for training of installers of gas boilers and welding machines, as well as laboratory for testing boilers.